Friday, September 25, 2009

The Lost Weekend, 1945

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Don Birnam: What kind of party did you say that was?
Helen St. James: A cocktail party.
Don Birnam: In that case, I'll join you

Yes, at last, at last it's Friday and I'm all ready for it! It's been wacky foggy week in the City (despite every weather report of the "heat wave") and the sun has finally decided to join the party and bring its warmth and light just in time for the weekend. No matter how crazy the week has been, knowing that Saturday & Sunday exists is sheer bliss.

Weekends are the reason that the "Pink Section" exists in the SF Chronicle and it's the reason why the Sunday edition of the NY Times is so thick and heavy. Sundays are honored with champagne brunches and Bloody Mary's. We can run and ride in Golden Gate Park because cars are prohibited during the weekends. The Masters and all other golf events provide the climatic endings to their tournaments on Sundays. And we are gifted with football all day long on Sundays. How can you not love weekends?


  1. How can you not love weekends? The only reason I could think someone wouldn't love the weekends is if they are among the unfortunate that have to work those weekends! I, thankfully, am not one of them! I love Fridays at work just because I know the next day I won't be working! Woot for weekends!!!!

  2. I agree! I'm only beginning to rediscover the joy of weekends, having spent too much time at work or in classes the past several years.

    The only problem is that the more fun I have on a weekend, the sooner Monday morning seems to come around!

  3. Weekends are a beautiful thing, especially this one with promised better weather. Some time on the beach to relax and soak in the sun... what more could one want?

  4. I agree weekends are the best. In fact studies show that Saturday and Sunday are the STRONGEST days of the week. Very true since since Monday through Friday are "WEAK-DAYS"..

  5. Lost weekend! I have a hat with that on it from bar in Miami. Now that was a lost weekend ;-) Let's have more!!
